Our Team

We’re a volunteer-led organization of Oakland citizens working in education, technology, non-profits, media, development, and government. We’re united in our mission: to serve voters with rigorous information for the critical November election and beyond.

Endorsement Committee

Isaac Abid Headshot

Isaac Abid
(Proxy: Chris Moore)

Megan Bacigalupi

Megan Baciagalupi

Jessica Chen

Jessica Chen


Arielle Fleisher

Harold Lowe temp

Harold Lowe


Tyfahra Milele

Garrick Monaghan_500x500

Garrick Monaghan

Jessica Ramos photo

Jessica Ramos


Loren Taylor

Hae-Sin Thomas

Hae-Sin Thomas

trishala_profilepic (1)

Trishala Vinnakota


Sarah Yoell

Digital Leadership

gagan-biyani copy

Gagan Biyani
Digital Director

Reze Wong_500x500

Reze Wong


Want to help bring competent leaders and common sense solutions to Oakland? Join our volunteer team.