Working together for Oakland's comeback.

We’re a grassroots, volunteer-led organization focused on common sense solutions to our city’s most pressing challenges.

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We've Done
Our Homework

The April 15th Special Election gives Oakland the opportunity to turn the page on the policies of the past and elect pragmatic, engaged and energetic leaders in Loren Taylor for Mayor and Charlene Wang for District 2 City Council.


Visit our voter guide to learn more about why we endorse Loren and Charlene, and watch interviews with them and other candidates and read their responses to our questionnaire.

Our Common Sense Agenda for Oakland

1. Fix Oakland’s public safety crisis

Oakland’s crime rate is 5 times the national average, yet we have the fewest police officers per crime of any major U.S. city. Current leadership has failed to address this crisis, cutting police budgets and mismanaging emergency services. We need urgent action to increase police staffing, improve 911 response times, and implement effective crime prevention strategies while ensuring accountability.

2. Tackle homelessness

Oakland’s homelessness crisis has spiraled out of control, overwhelming our public spaces and parks, and yet city officials are unwilling to deliver common sense and compassionate measures to address the problem. No one in our community should be forced to live on the street when solutions are within reach.

3. Build more housing for every Oaklander

Oakland’s housing shortage is displacing residents and contributing to homelessness. To ensure Oakland remains a city where everyone can live and thrive we need to rapidly increase housing supply, reform outdated zoning codes, and streamline permitting processes.

4. Restore trust and accountability to government

Oakland’s government has lost public trust through corruption, irresponsible budgeting, and poorly conceived policies. To restore faith in our city, we need leaders who will prioritize transparency and accountability and commit to the hard work of reforming Oakland’s governance structures so the city can better serve its residents.

5. Strengthen Oakland’s economy and small businesses

Oakland’s businesses are struggling due to rising crime, blight and dumping, excessive fees, and burdensome regulations. We need leadership that will create a safer environment, reduce bureaucratic obstacles, and actively support local businesses to foster economic growth and opportunity for all residents.

6. Clean up blight and improve street safety

Oakland’s streets are unsafe, with 33 pedestrian and cyclist deaths last year. Blight and illegal dumping are rampant and rarely enforced. We need leadership committed to safer street designs, improved transit options, and keeping our streets and public spaces clean and accessible for all Oakland residents.

7. Foster high-quality public schools

We must invest in quality education that spans everything from job training programs to advanced coursework, while addressing the broken business practices and dysfunctional culture within OUSD that have led to its financial instability.

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